Thursday, June 18

Target Trip

Okay so Target we did 3 different transactions and the savings was not as low as my CVS trip but it was still pretty good for the amount of stuff I got.
Transaction #1:
Soft soap ensembles $6.00
Irish Springs bonus pack with 2 $6.00
Total $12.72 with tax
Used Manufacture coupon for $1.00 off ensembles and $1.00 or Target coupon
Manufacture coupon for .75 off the Irish Spring and Target $1.00 off and a $5 Target gift card from doing this deal a few days ago
Total $4.61 and got back a $5 gift card
Total savings: $7.75
Transaction #2
2 Huggies Pullups @ $8.99 each
1 Huggies diaper @8.99 each
Total $28.58 with tax
Used 2 $5.oo off Huggies pull ups coupons
6.00 off any huggies diaper coupon
2.00 target huggies coupon
$5.00 gift card from previous order
Total after tax: $5.17
Total savings: $25.25
Transaction #3
Palmolive $2.25
Off clip on X2 @$6.99 each
Off clip on refills X2 @ $3.94 each
flash drive $12.99 (I have over 2000 pics on my computer and they must come off lol)
2 Lucky charms cereal bowls @$1.00 each
5 Trial Banana boat sunscreens @.99 each
3 trial Gillette shaving gel @ .97 each
trial sized q tips @ .97
squeeze bottle @ .99 each
Children's Motrin @$5.69 ( I am so mad I totally had $2 off for this and forgot to use it!! GRR!!)
Durex Quiver Play $4.99
Carefree 38 ct. $2.54
Carefree 22 ct. X2 @$1.02 each
Kotex 70 ct @ $2.70
Band aids X2 @ $1.89 each
Johnson&Johnson to go @ .99
Johnson &Johnson 10 ct. gauze $1.57
Neosporn with pain relief (my poor son cut his arm and we had no neosporn!) $3.89
Nexcare Hannah Montana bandages $2.00
First Aide bag $4.99
Coupons I used were
1.00 Target and .25 Man. coupon for Palmolive
Buy off clip on started kit get one free refill X2
$3.00 off the OFF clip on X2
.50 off ANY size lucky charms X2
1.00 off any banana boat sunscreen X5
1.00 off ANY Gillette product X3
$3.00 off Durex Quiver
$1.00 off ANY one carefree product X3
$2.00 target peelie for Kotex
1.00 off any band aides X2 (excluding trial sized)
1.00 off any Johnson&Johnson product
1.00 off any Neosporin
$1.00 Manufacture coupon and .50 Target coupon for Nexcare bandages
The firstaid bag was FREE because I bought three participating products
$5.oo gift card from previous order
Total before coupons $90.72
Total with tax after coupons $43.98
Total savings of $46.74
Targets Grand total savings tonight: $79.74
So all in all not a bad night for everything I got!!!
(Oh yeah all the trial size stuff most is for hubby's dad they are going on a trip soon and mother in law got father in law a travel bag for fathers day and told hubby to get FIL stuff to go in it for fathers day so part of it is done now off to get the rest lol)

My super wonderful CVS trip today!

So I had some register rewards getting ready to expire and when I got to CVS this week most everything was out of stock that had register rewards on them but I wanted to use these before they expired so here is what I did...
2 Xtra laundry detergents 2 for $3
2 mega packs m&ms mini $1 each
6 boxes of assorted kellogs cereals $1.88 each
Shick Qautro razor $7.99
Crest mouth rinse $2.99
2 ice breaker candy's .50 each
1 juicy sour candy .50
Total with tax: $50.81
Used the following coupons:
1.00 off Kellogg's cereal X 6
$4.00 off Schick razor
$17.00 in Register Rewards
Total after coupons and in store savings:
$1.79 OOP
OMG I was so excited lol I knew it was going to be cheap I was thinking $3.00 lol but was so excited when she said the price!

Super easy chicken pot pie

1 box all ready pie crusts
2 cans mixed vegetables,drained
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of celery soup
1 can chicken breast,drained and shredded (I use a bigger can or 2 smaller cans)
Mix all ingredients together. Pour on top of bottom pie crust and cover with the other pie crust. Cook on 350 until browned. (for me this takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour)

Wylie Mom's Sun Burst Detergent Giveaway!

Click the link below to sign up for Wylies Moms sun burst give away!!

My shopping trips


2 packs of Huggies @ $8.99
1 Viva paper towels @ $6.99
1 pack water balloons @ 2.99
1 peanut butter dove candy bag @ 2.99
1 pack of 3 orbit gum @ $1.99
1 soft soap ensembles @ 2.89
1 trial size right gaurd deodarant @ .99
1 trial size bandaids @ .99
1 colegate toothpaste with a trial size included @ $2.29

So I am going off my grocery list here not quite sure where my recipt was but I rembered the prices off the top of my head lol coupons I used were:

$3.00 Man. and $2 target coupon X2 for the huggies
$1.00 target coupon for the Viva
$1.00 Man and $1.00 Target coupon for the dove
$1.00 Target coupon for orbit gum
$2.00 Man and $1.00 Target coupon for the soft soap ensembles
$1.00 Man coupon for right guard
$1.00 Man. coupon for bandades
$1.00 Man. coupon and $1.00 Target coupon for colegate
$5.00 gift card from doing the ensembles deal last week plus I had some overage from this weeks ensemble coupons making my total for all this $18.70 after tax. Not bad at all considering 2 packs of diapers would have been this alone! Not the best trip but not bad ither!!!

Of course they were out of the razors wich is the whole reason I went lol but I did pick up 2 say yes to carrots chapsticks that were B1G1 free and one small bag of m&ms for $2.44 not sure how much the yes to carrots was but I had $1.00 off coupons I think it was close to $4.00 each like $3.69 or something lol so not to bad I needed some chapstick and had been wanting to try these! Oh and YES I LOVE them lol! Might like them better then burts bees....


1 pack of Johnstonville Brauts $3.45 for dh for dinner
1 pack of cheapo hotdog buns $1.79
2 bbq kraft sauce .99 each so $1.98
1 build a bear fruit snacks $1.25

I used a buy 2 kraft items get 2.00 off ANY meat couopon
1.00 off any kraft bbq sauce X2

My total after coupons was $4.51 so I was happy about that being the brauts were going to be $3.50 them selves and I needed hotdog buns to go with them lol! Oh and a coupon for a FREE pack of any poise pads printed out for up to $4.00! Score lol!

I got a rain check for the razors so friday I may go back and do that deal and I still need to do some CVS tomorrow I have not done it in a while lol!

Hot coupons

Starbucks ice cream coupon makes these less then a dollar at most walmarts!

Nexcare bandaids makes these free at some Targets and less then dollar (around .50) at most walmarts... Please note prices vary at differnt stores...