Wednesday, February 24

GDA: Free mascara at both Target and Walmart!

The Extra Super Lash mascara is priced at $2.89. Use the $3/1 Rimmel coupon from the March All You magazine to get it free!

Rimmel Extra Super Lash Mascara – $2.97Use $3/1 coupon from the March All You magazine. Making it free too!!!

Your stores prices may vary so call and ask first if your making a trip there just for this!!

Freebie Round Up!!

Click Here to sign up for your free beechnut toddler kit! Usually comes with freebie coupons and samples!

Click Here to sign up for a 3 pack sample of Pampers diapers!

Click Here to sign up for a free 6 month subscription to baby talk magazine! While your there check out all the other great baby freebies they are offering! (IE: diapers magazines and more!)

Click Here to sign up and get your free Olay total effects body wash sample from Walmart!

Click Here to sign up and get a free South Beach Living S'mores bar! I love s'mores!!

Click Here to get a sample of the mystical monkey all purpose cleaner!

Click Here to sign up and receive a sample of Science Diet simple essentials for your dog!

Click Here to receive a underjams sample when you complete the form!

Click Here to sign up and receive your complimentary issue of Soap Opera Digest!

Click Here on February 24th 2010 @ 12 PM the first 1000 women who sign up will receive the Regenerist Starter Trio for FREE!!
I love freebies! I love checking my mail and my mail box being stuffed full of awesome stuff all for free! Today was a pretty good mail day! I got a few magazines a free Barbie and the 3 musketeers dvd (from where I won at the pink ticket freebie) and some coupons!!
A few tips to use when signing up for freebies!
1) Set up a whole email accont for all your freebies otherwise your normal email will be overloaded with junk and spam!
2.) Don't give them your real phone number or you will be bombarded with telemarketers!
3) I only sign up for completely free deals I rarely ever do the pay shipping or free then you pay after so many months deals... I have to much on my plate then to think about calling and canceling something after 1 month ect! (learned my lesson the hard way a few years back when I first signed up for stuff)
4) I sign up for stuff I don't even need because I can always trade coupons for ones I want sell and donate stuff we don't use!!
What to do with those freebies you don't really need!
1) Magazine freebies... I give these to my kids and their friends when they come over and they cut out pictures and make collages! This was a hit at Christmas time and birthday time my oldest likes to go through and cut out everything she wants and makes a collage of everything and calls it her wish list!
2) Pet freebies... My family currently does not have any pets nor do I for see any in the near future lol so what I do with these is give them to my sister in law as they live way out in the country and everyone drops their unwanted pets out their on their land so I give her mostly everything I get so she is out a little less money on feeding these animals!
No friends and family with pets another great idea is to make up a basket full of all your pet freebies and samples and take it to the local animal shelter or vets office both would be very grateful for your donation!
3) Baby freebies... No babies no problem just take all your baby freebies and samples and make up a basket for one of your friends who are expecting! No friends expecting donate it to your local women's or homeless shelter or you can make up a basket for your local hospital to give to a single mother maybe that has not had any visitors and brighten up their day!
4) lotions bodywash shampoos other toiletry items... These are great for packing if you are going somewhere for a few days and you don't want to have to take a full size bottle just throw a few of these in your toiletry bag. Not going somewhere why not donate them to a homeless shelter woman's shelter nursing home or you can make up boxes with toiletry's your free food free magazine subscriptions and a few other goodies and send them to the soldiers!!
5) free food samples make up a basket off all the different food samples and donate it to your local food bank women's shelter or homeless shelters!
6) Coupons and or formula checks... Sign up for a good coupon but don't use that product no problem... Alot of people sell their coupons on eBay trade coupons for other coupons they don't need or you can start a coupon swap at your work where everyone brings in some coupons and swaps for ones they need. I personally enjoy playing coupon fairy which is where I will leave a coupon by the product in the store for someone else to enjoy the great deals and savings. You can also join a coupon train there are tons of them all over the Internet... Or start one your self... I belong to a few myself... Great article explaining what exactly a coupon train is and the different types there are!! If you get a coupon that will make some free you could always just use it and donate the product!